Welcome to the TBnet webinar on 13 July 2023 at 16:00 CEST!
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Title: NTM-infections
Time: 13 July 2023 at 16:00 PM (CEST)
Meeting ID: 879 0345 2667
Passcode: 550278
Keynote lecture: NTM-pulmonary diseases
Dr. Jakko van Ingen MD PhD, Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Case presentation:
Andreas Arnholdt Pedersen MD, Vejle, Denmark
Expert panel:
Professor Michael Loebinger MD PhD, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK
Professor Raquel Duarte PhD, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
CA Professor Hanif Esmail MD PhD; University College London, London, UK
Christoph Lange MD PhD, Research Center Borstel, Germany
Information about the webinar speakers and panel
Jakko van Ingen, MD, PhD, is a consultant clinical microbiologist and head of the mycobacteriology reference laboratory at Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. He has authored over 180 papers on mycobacterial disease in peer-reviewed scientific journals and is consulted on the diagnosis and treatment of nontuberculous mycobacterial disease from all over the world. His research group focuses on the pharmacodynamics of antimycobacterial drugs and development of new treatment regimens for nontuberculous mycobacterial disease.
Andreas Arnholdt Pedersen is a Danish medical doctor and researcher specializing in infectious diseases, with a particular focus on Non-tuberculous Mycobacterial (NTM) diseases. Currently, Dr. Pedersen is a Ph.D. student engaged in research on NTM diseases. The Ph.D. project is being conducted at the Mycobacterial Centre for Research Southern Denmark – MyCRESD, (at Vejle Hospital, Hospital Lillebælt/University of Southern Denmark, and the Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital). The research focuses on the epidemiology of NTM in Denmark, the immune characterization of NTM patients as well as improving NTM treatment using a personalized approach.
Expert panel:
Dr Hanif Esmail is an Associate Professor at University College London based between the MRC Clinical Trials Unit and Institute for Global Health. He is an Honorary Consultant in Infectious Diseases at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, part of University College London Hospitals, and the North London TB Service where oversees the care of people with TB and Non-Tuberculous Mycobacteria.
Raquel Duarte, Ass. Professor, Epidemiology, University of Porto, has devoted her work to the development of strategies aimed at reducing incidence of tuberculosis. She is the Vice president of the International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, Europe Region and elected to the new Assembly Secretary of the Respiratory Infections Group of the European Respiratory Society.
Professor Michael Loebinger is a Professor of Practice (Respiratory Medicine) at Imperial College and a Consultant Respiratory Physician at the Royal Brompton Hospital, where he leads the lung division and specialises in respiratory infections. He co-chaired the British Thoracic Society (BTS) bronchiectasis guidelines and co-wrote the BTS NTM and European respiratory Society (ERS) bronchiectasis guidelines. He is a founding member of the UK and European clinical and research bronchiectasis and NTM networks and leads global multicentre clinical trials. He is chair of the ERS respiratory infection group.
Chair of the webinar:
Christoph Lange MD PhD is a German pulmonologist and infectious diseases specialist. He is the Medical Director of the Research Center Borstel, Leibniz Lung Center, Professor of Respiratory Medicine & International Health at the University of Lübeck, Germany, and Head of the Clinical Tuberculosis Unit of the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF). Professor Lange holds international academic affiliations with the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, TX (USA) and the State University for Medicine and Pharmacy in Chisinau (R. Moldova). He has been the founding Chairman of the Tuberculosis Network European Trialsgroup (www.tbnet.eu). Professor Lange´s research interests include the epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis, especially MDR-TB. Recent work focusses on the development and application of precision medicine technologies to improve the management of patients with mycobacterial diseases.
He is one of the clinical leads of the novel EU-IMI UNITE4TB project (https://www.unite4tb.org/), a large multinational clinical trials platform for the evaluation of novel anti-tuberculosis medicines operating in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America.