Welcome to the TBnet webinar "Mobilising the voice of academics and healthcare workers: the UN High-Level Meeting on TB and beyond" on 26 October at 16:00 (CEST) in Zoom.
This webinar will discuss the importance and power of mobilising the voice of academic and healthcare workers to lobby governments and policy makers in the work to end TB.
First Janika Hauser, an advocacy specialist and Director at Campaigns in Global Health who has been co-leading efforts to support academic and healthcare worker engagement in the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB will set out the why and how of advocacy.
We will then hear from Jessica Potter, co-chair of UK Academics and Professionals to End TB, about how the network engaged the UK government and worked alongside other advocates during the development of the recent UN political declaration on TB.
We will then open to floor to discuss what is being done in other countries to mobilise the voice of academics and professionals and what comes next moving beyond the recent UN High Level Meeting on TB.
Join us in Zoom!
Time: October 26 at 16:00 CEST
Meeting ID: 833 2933 8730
Password: 808878
Speakers & chair:
Janiker Hauser is a Director at Campaigns in Global Health, based in London. She is a policy and advocacy specialist with experience across infectious diseases and mental health. She has previously worked with the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Global TB, RESULTS UK, the ACTION Global Health Advocacy Partnership, Stop TB, MSF, and WHO. She holds a BA in Politics and International Relations from the University of Exeter and a Master of Science in Human Security from Aarhus University.
Jessica Potter is co-chair of the network UK Academics and Professionals to End TB @UKAPTB. She is also a consultant in respiratory medicine and lead of the TB service at the North Middlesex University Hospital in London. Jess is an honorary senior clinical lecturer at UCL and her research focuses on healthcare access. More broadly she campaigns for the healthcare rights of migrants and to end TB; writing and speaking about these issues in the national and international press.
Conor Tweed is a physician specialising in respiratory medicine and TB based in London, UK. He is an Honorary Clinical Assistant Professor at University College London with an interest in clinical trials and methodology. Patient-centred research and Patient and Public Involvement in clinical trials has been a major focus of his academic work, and he has worked with different advocacy groups and TB survivors in this context.
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